If a child arrives late to school, before 9:30am, they are able to come up without a parent and collect a late slip from the school office.
If a child arrives late to school, after 9:30am, the parent must sign them in late in the "Leaving School and Late Arrival Register" and collect a late slip from the school office.
If a parent/carer needs to collect a child before 3:00pm they will need to organise and collect their child from the main office. It is best to inform the school office of the time of departure as early as possible. Office staff will contact the class teacher to have the child ready at the school office at the time of departure. For reasons of student safety, no child can be collected from classrooms or the playground. Any time a child is leaving early from school, a parent must sign out in the "Leaving School and Late Arrival Register" and collect an early departure slip from the school office.