Environmental Learning Area and Environmental Program
Our school has many environmental activities including an school camps for Years 4 to 6 and an environmental learning area. Our environmental learning area features vegetable and herb gardens, a tropical rainforest and fruit trees.
Nature Play Areas
Marshall Road State School is an inner-city school landlocked within the Holland Park West suburb and the BirdwoodRoad M3 flyover. The school's footprint has limited scope for development, but we have maximised our land use with spaces for children to climb trees and build cubby's, engage in 'loose parts' play and navigate low ropes courses. Embracing multi-age play and the playwork philosophy for break time supervision, Marshall Road SS is pioneering innovation in the Queensland State School system.
Known for our focus on sustainability and citizenship, previous innovations have been our 'farm program' with sheep, ducks and chickens. The school continues to champion the mental health and wellbeing benefits of Nature Play and aims to grow this understanding through the wider school community.
The school is a strong advocate for the importance of outdoor play and the positive connections to learning, as well as student health and wellbeing that result. The school's mantra "Safe, Caring, Learners" sets a tone, which reflects a school-wide commitment to purposeful, successful learning. Please see our Nature Play and Outdoor Learning Policy for more information.
Nature Play and Outdoor Learning Policy (PDF, 1.62mb)
Nature Play Activity Consent Form 2022 (PDF, 372KB)